In 1947, a young soldier named Russell Street returned to his beloved hometown of Whitefish, Montana after being discharged from the army. He opened up Street's Grocery, and with his talent for cutting meat and a love for gourmet food, he created a seasoning for his famous prime rib roast that he called "Touch O' Magic". But it wasn't until customers began taking the seasoning home in brown paper bags that the idea of bottling it came to light. By 1964, Street's Grocery had dwindled down to one product - the seasoning - which had gained a cult following.
As the seasoning's popularity grew, it was renamed Alpine Touch and distributed around the Northwest. In 1989, a local man named Mark Southard had the opportunity to purchase the business. With the arrival of the nineties, Whitefish became a booming resort ski town, but Southard yearned for a quieter existence. In 1993, he moved the business to Choteau, a small town on the other side of the Rocky Mountains, where he continued to run it with his wife, Vicki, for the next 18 years.
In 2012, Mark and Vicki decided to retire and pass on the business to someone who would keep it in Montana and serve its faithful customers all over the country. That's when the Ekegren Family, with their deep roots in Choteau, took over Alpine Touch at the beginning of 2013. They were committed to keeping the business a part of the Choteau community and maintaining its small-town customer service.
Despite its humble beginnings, Alpine Touch Seasonings continues to gain popularity, thanks to its unique All Purpose blend developed over 50 years ago, which is still considered "The Best". Try any of their special blends and make your cooking come alive, whether you prefer it in a bottle or the old-fashioned way, by the bag. The legacy of Alpine Touch lives on, and its devoted customers can't get enough.
Made in Montana